Jackson Willbanks is a designer, artist, skateboarder, friend, and owner of Cowgirl Skateboards. He has lived by one motto in his work, and that's to do good work for good people. Jackson’s 4+ years of experience range from web design, branding identity, and print. He loves having the opportunity to reform a brand or an individual to their fullest potential. Jackson’s brand isn't just to look cool, it means something to you, and he wants to help his client be proud of what they've built.
To me, none of that is really "work." Everything I do plays into each other in some aspect. I think it's all about how you manage your time and how passionate you are about the jobs.
I've had a lot of different work and a lot of different jobs. To be honest, there's been a few times I took on a project that I didn't know how to do. Although I don't really recommend doing that, it broadened my understanding of the client's work and expanded my skill set. I've worked for huge corporate companies like Walmart, Kraft, and Toshiba, as well as small businesses around the country. The two are totally different, and I've learned to love those smaller places where you can make a big difference.
A brand has to appeal to the demographic they are wanting to reach.
“Everything I do plays into each other in some aspect. I think it's all about how you manage your time and how passionate you are about the jobs." – Jackson Willbanks
Cowgirl started as a 3AM thought that led to a full concept and brand build-out by the time the sun came up. I had always dreamed of making a skate video as well as making a "skateboard company." I put together a group of friends and told them my ideas and we've been running with it ever since. The name Cowgirl itself doesn’t truly mean anything. I thought it was a good name and a little ode to how most all of us are from Arkansas or Texas. To sum up Cowgirl, we're just a group of skaters making something cool and exciting that hasn't been done in our community. No sticking to one logo, no one style, just having fun together. Whatever we wanna do we can do it.
I love having the freedom to make my own schedule and enjoy what I'm doing when I am working. The worst part is the slow seasons when not a lot of people are asking for work. That gets tough.
I just talk to people mostly. I meet one person and then they introduce me to another and so on. I also look at things people/companies I think are cool on Instagram and send them an email or DM. After that, it's all about how you do with the project and how you interact with the client.
Pinterest and FISK.
Go for it! Be patient in learning and honing in on your skills and continue to do so. Look up videos on how to get clients and start small. You gotta work your way up, but don't be intimidated. Everyone started from somewhere.